Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Day of Classes

The field station is a lot like high school.  We, the group of 30, eat together, go to the same class at the same time together, ring a bell when it's time to start a new activity and already know everything about each other.  With this comes being in class for most of the day.  Today my schedule started with waking up at 7, a quick breakfast before class at 8, classes until 1230, lunch and class 2-4.  They weren't bad and seem pretty manageable...I'm taking Wildlife Ecology, Wildlife Management, Swahili/Maasai Culture and Environmental Policy.  After class we put on our skirts and headed into town for Market Day, which is special on the 7th of every month.  As soon as we stepped out of the Land Cruiser we were bombarded by people trying to sell us everything from fabric to goats, jewelry to sugarcane, and clothing from the 80's.  People would yell out things to us, and tried to sell us t-shirts that said "mzungu" on them, the Swahili word for white person.  It was so bizarre to walk around and see items that had obviously been donated (sweatshirts from Whistler and baseball caps from Cozumel) that people were selling to make a profit.  I guess in a way it's helping everyone.  So the point of the market was to speak with the local people and gain some experience in bargaining.  The people even wanted to trade for watches, water bottles etc.  They followed us around so much that it became a real nuisance.  I felt like as soon as I whipped out my purse to buy something they would hound us even more so I waited until the very end to buy bracelets and necklaces, and in the meantime talked with the vendors.  I ended up getting two bracelets and two necklaces for around 7 dollars.  I can't wait to go back next month and get fabric, since there is a tailor a few bomas away from us who will custom-make dresses based on a picture.  Hope you're all enjoying the snow...it's 85 degrees here everyday!

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